Tuesday, May 25, 2010

She finds out!

Today in class, we read about when Nancy finds out she has AIDs. How would you feel if you were in a similar situation and got such heart-breaking news? Write at least four sentnces to describe how you would have flt if you were in Nancy's shoes.


  1. Holy Crap! Mr. Van Owen I can say I was a little lost but I really felt bad for Nancy today . Even though it was also her fault she should not have gotten AIDS . Well , yea back to the questions . If I was in a similar situation I would try to live my life to the fullest . There might be days that I would cry and think it was my fault but I would try to keep on ! I would also tell everyone if I had something like AIDS .
    GOODBYE Van Owen :]

    - Natacha :)

  2. well if i was in a situation like this i will feel like i was crap to the person who gave me the disease and i should of noticed something long ago . and if i was i nacy's shoes i would felt used and throwen out for nothing and i made a really big mistake of trusting ''someone i love '' ( stranger) that lied to me about caring and will allways be there for me.

    - zasha

  3. If I were in Nancy's shoes, I would be REALLY pissted off. I mean, I would probably say to my sex partner if they had HIV or not. Plus, HIV is a really serious disease. Nacy probably feels terrible............

  4. OMG I if that happened to me i will tell the doctors to do what every they can do to let me live. i will probably start to cry lik3e a baby that just gotten his lolly pop taken away. and i will be super scared and i will not know what to do cause i will jave aids!! and this blog really ties in with my essay

  5. mr.vanowen i really felt bad for here because for she makinq the wronq move with colin she got aids and i think is her fault cause she had to ask him first to see if she could for she would not get aids


  6. it was bout time she found out because it would have been worse if she got worse stages and still didnt know .

  7. Nataly
    if they have told me that i have AIDS i think i would start crying and hoping something good would happen i would even think to kill my self but i live and try to live a normal life with out no body knowing what i going throw

  8. i think she will be ok because she is not dead yet but yes its true that is a shoking thing . i would also be sad and maybe even depressed .but everything will be ok

  9. OMG ! i dont even know how i would reacted ; i will go crazy i will kill myself ; i dont even thing i would tell anyone until i feel confrtable ; i dont know how i would act ; its to HARD to go through that im guessing
    - yarisa
