Monday, May 17, 2010

Thoughts about Philadelphia

Today in class we started watching the movie Philadelphia. What did you think about the presentation of Andrew and his body's reaction to the AIDS virus? How would you compare his appearance to that of Jenny from the movie Forrest Gump?


  1. well i when i saw his face and body marks i was like O.M.G! and i hope never to get what he got. and in the movie forrest gump, jenny didnt get all those marks on her skin, andrew did. andrew faught threw it until he died, but jenny said sick forrest. and andrew was gay and had a latino gay boyfriend, jenny didnt.

    A.K.A. DIMARY!

  2. Well, Andrew had some leasans on his forehead, diareaha, and more. I was surprised when I saw this. Another thing is that Jenny has the same virus as Andrew. However, she looked perfectly normal.

    Waldemar Morety 703

  3. i think that the marks on his face just looked like an ordinary buze but then as he got more sicker and more and more legens poped up made it more see able

  4. I can say that they look really different because Jenny looked perfectly normal . As Andrew had lesions all over his body , he also had diarrhea. They never showed that Jenny had anything wrong with her . All we saw was her on her bed sounding weak .
    - Natacha Gutierrez 702

  5. I can say that they look really different because Jenny looked perfectly normal . As Andrew had lesions all over his body , he also had diarrhea. They never showed that Jenny had anything wrong with her . All we saw was her on her bed sounding weak .
    - Natacha Gutierrez 702

  6. I was really shocked by his appearance . I really did not think that HIV/AIDS could cause that to happen to his face and body . I really just thought that you have to take you medication and that's it , because in the movie " Forest Gump " nothing happened to Jenny's appearance .
    - Natacha Gutierrez 702

  7. well jenny did not have nothing wrong with her apperance exept she was weak but andrew had trouble breathing and had alot of leasons in his body

  8. When I saw Andrew's appearance I was surprised because I didn't know how AIDS reaction to a body looke like. The difference between him and Jenny is that Jenny didn't really seem like she had AIDS the only ting was that she had no strength but Andrew, his body and his pysical changed a lot and they were noticable.


  9. Nataly
    Andrew had marks on his face and he got pains in his body and Jenny from the movie forest gump she dint have all of those marks or pain one day she just left

  10. well in my POV alot of things change from begining to end - he started to get older by the min - started getting legetes - out of the bloooom- they fried him caus they found out he was gay or was HIV positive;
    - yarisa

  11. i think his presentation was fine untill he got the litions his hair started changing color. so he got skinner he had troubles using the bath room. he was very tired and not energise like he use to be.the way andrew looked is the same way jenny looked they both looked tired. their hair changed color and they were very skinny.
